I'm not sure why but I really love decorating for Halloween. I did a few new crafty projects this year that I just have to share. First I painted silhouette profiles of my family on ceramic plates and hung them as some eerie art on the wall. Then I took a bunch of fake bones and made some " Bone Bouquets". I was so pleased to find a way to use all my glassware!I also bought a small cage and put a big fake crow in it. My son really loves this pet, he has named it Hogart and likes to feed it crumbs...Then I added a giant mama spider to our wall with all her little baby spiders. Lastly I added a family of mice to accompany our family pictures. And I haven't even shown you the treats I made today!!!! Skeleton sugar cookies,tombstone ganache tarts,brain sugar cookies and peanut butter eyeballs. As you can see the food is the real reason I love Halloween.
This is a place for me to share my photography and ideas as I search out and discover perfect living. I'm inspired by beauty in simple things and find joy in doing things myself. And in a perfect world I will be just like Martha Stewart minus the criminal record!
Mother of two and wife of one. Professional photographer by day and wanna be renaissance woman by night. I live in Minneapolis where I try my best to think warm thoughts!
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